From a middle school student to a published author

When I submitted my short story, Love Through Diwali, to my seventh grade English teacher, I was not satisfied with the grade I had received. She told me that the story had a lot of potential for a great narrative, but I did not follow her directions. A few months later, this story was published under the editors' choice section of Teen Ink's literary magazine. I had then learned the lesson that my work is so much more than a mere grade. I believed in myself and persevered. Although this story features myself and characters from my own life, it is completely fictional.

Love Through Diwali
The sound of firecrackers begins to vibrate my walls. I open my eyes and I start to see lights, candles, and Diyas, a special Indian wooden candle, radiating in the darkness. I flip open up my novel and begin reading. Books always make me feel relaxed. After reading 50 pages, I begin writing my manuscript. As I wrap up my draft, I hear a knock at the door.
“Shreya, you spend too much time reading and writing! You need to get out of your bedroom! You are missing the festivities outside” Anoushka exclaimed, my 10-year-old cousin.
Confidently I respond, “I enjoy reading and writing. I’m going to be an author and English teacher one day!”  
In a huff, Anoushka walks away and I can hear the classic Indian Kathak style dance music playing.  I felt admonished, but poised at the same time. I could smell paneer, my favorite food dish. I walked into the kitchen and dipped my finger in the butter gravy. I licked the delicious cream with satisfaction.
Sanheeta Aunty had an enormous smile on her face. I stared at her red lipstick. Sanheeta Aunty is a 7th grade English teacher at Delhi Public School Megacity, Kolkata.
“Why are you not reading or writing?” Sanheeta Aunty questioned me.
“I love reading and writing, but Anoushka told me not to be such a dedicated person¨, I replied.
Sanheeta Aunty suggested,  “Since you've read a novel of Rabindranath Tagore´s classic short stories last year, you can read The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri, and then Time Stops At Shamli by Ruskin Bond. But make sure that you resume reading. I want you to read some more Indian literature during your stay here. And how is your book coming along? I am very excited to read your work. I’m sure any publisher would make your novel a bestseller. ” I thought about what Sanheeta Aunty had said, but she was right.  I had to do something while I spend the next month here.
I would return to the USA next month and reunite with one of my favorite teachers, Mrs. Burton. Diwali is my favorite festival, so I might as well enjoy the celebrations.
I walked over to where Anoushka was sitting. She was drawing and painting. Anoushka and I have always been opposites. I love English, Social Studies, and Foreign Languages. Anoushka loves Mathematics, Science, and Art. Despite our differences, we make an effort to get along. We’re both Leos after all.
“Why are you so silent tonight?” Anoushka asked me. Her eyes began glowing with pride. She was engrossed in her work. I decided not to answer her question. Just as I enjoy reading and writing, Anoushka enjoys drawing and painting.
I walked into the darkness. Firecrackers were now bursting in front of my eyes. Fuljhuri is my favorite firecracker. “Happy Diwali! Happy Diwali!” we were all screaming. Subham, my 6-year-old cousin was smiling. His eyes were twinkling. It wasn’t extremely cold or hot. It is a perfect November night.  I fastened my eyes. In a few minutes, I could feel Anoushka nudge me.
“I hope you enjoyed Kali Puja yesterday. Today is Badi Diwali. You did a great job with the Rangoli designs. All of the Diyas look beautiful”, Anoushka complimented me. Sanheeta Aunty stood next to Anoushka and Subham to pose for a picture. My mom sat on the verandah while eating ice cream. My paternal grandmother was wearing jhumka earrings. She was dancing, which was surprising. I haven’t seen her dance in years. I saw everyone in utopia. I decided to join them. We were talking and laughing. I had a speech prepared in my mind. I wanted to share it with all my family and friends. I took a deep breath and began speaking, “I hope everyone is enjoying Diwali week. Diwali is the Hindu festival of light. This festival lasts for five days. We seem to relish this festival. However, we continue to criticize people who seem different from the rest of the crowd. We need to start accepting the fact that reading and writing is a hobby of many.  I’m sure you’ve all heard that a reader lives a thousand lives before death and the one who does not read lives only one life prior to death. If someone is lost in thoughts and words, we choose to disrespect them. But why do we decide to do this? A child is born with creativity and imagination. In India, parents force their children to fit in and shut up. There are many people who want to become writers, but society doesn’t want to accept such individuals. I have never changed. I have continued to be myself. I have spent the last 7 years of my life in the USA, a country where I’ve been accepted. My parents are probably wonderful parents. At school, I have great teachers. However, everything is starting to change in India. The education system is changing. The literacy rates are rising day by day. We are from the state of West Bengal, which is one of the richest states in terms of education and literature, along with Kerala. I think we can make a difference in the world. We can start by converting India from a “developing” country to a developed country. I am a child author as of now. I hope to one day become famous, but that doesn’t really matter to me. I want to establish an American school here in India and eventually become an English teacher. I love our Indian culture. We must continue to have pride in our country. However, we must change our mindset and thinking. I hope you got the message that I was trying to convey through this speech.”
Sanheeta Aunty was clapping and applauding. Anoushka’s face was wet of tears. I haven’t seen her cry in a while. Her dimples started to show as she began to smile. Subham was jumping up and down. My mom continued laughing. I was beaming with joy. I got a new journal entry idea. I decided to log today’s events. What an eventful day! I could see the Christmas tree fairy lights. We use these Christmas lights as a part of our Diwali decorations. I just felt as if love had been spread this Diwali. “Shreya, are you ever going to take me to the USA?”, Anoushka asked me. I thought about her question. I’m an Indian citizen, I live in the USA on a visa. I’d love to take Anoushka and Subham to visit that country. My maternal grandmother wants Subham to be a doctor, but he wants to be a police officer and boxer. Anoushka wants to be an accountant and an art therapist. I guess everyone has aspirations. I wonder what would happen next. I don’t care what the future holds, I am in this moment right now. I shall enjoy.


  1. Your writing journey will surely be blossomed with victory. I agree with your english teacher, Mrs.Burton that this short narrative has huge potential to bring change in the world. Happy Writing and Reading!

    1. Thank you for supporting me throughout my writing journey. Mrs. Burton was one of the best mentors I could have ever had.


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