From a middle school student to a published author
When I submitted my short story, Love Through Diwali, to my seventh grade English teacher, I was not satisfied with the grade I had received. She told me that the story had a lot of potential for a great narrative, but I did not follow her directions. A few months later, this story was published under the editors' choice section of Teen Ink's literary magazine. I had then learned the lesson that my work is so much more than a mere grade. I believed in myself and persevered. Although this story features myself and characters from my own life, it is completely fictional. Love Through Diwali The sound of firecrackers begins to vibrate my walls. I open my eyes and I start to see lights, candles, and Diyas, a special Indian wooden candle, radiating in the darkness. I flip open up my novel and begin reading. Books always make me feel relaxed. After reading 50 pages, I begin writing my manuscript. As I wrap up my draft, I hear a knock at the door. “Shreya, you spend too much time...