
Showing posts from October, 2020

Beyond What Eyes Can See

 Our eyes can see a great many things; they are given to experience the world. Eyes have defined what really appears to be in front of us. However, there is no defined statement of what is real because what humans believe is most true. How beautiful it is when there is a soft hint of imagination gleaning into our world, for we live and breathe here on in fairyland as we make of it. In Pages and Co: Tilly and the Bookwanderers by Anna James, Tilly and her friends wander inside books and live with the fictional characters that have laid gently in their imagination all along. One day, they realize that they are truly a part of this world. Please don't acknowledge this as a fictional story as I already know you will. All book lovers wander into books and can experience the characters in their countenance. If only our eyes were not so finite, it would have been simple. Tilly goes by the phrase, "Be brave, be curious, be kind." These words have the lessons she learns from her...